Message de Duyên, ancienne élève jusqu'en 2016 à la Maison Sociale de Long Haï, à notre représentante My Huong. Elle s'est mariée en novembre 2018 et a un enfant de 6 mois.
"Hello Mrs My Hương.
My name is Duyên I studied at the center for 2 years.Thank you very much, dear Mrs My Huong, for letting me study so I can read and learn a skill. Thank you so much for supporting me and loving me. if I didn’t see you then my life would not be like today. At present I have a job, I am currently working in a garment factory and earn a lot of money to take care of my family under the poverty line, I will love myself. I wish I didn’t grow then I could have studied at the centre forever my life at centre was very wonderful. Thank you so much Mrs My Huong"